Category: Poetry

  • How To Breathe While Drowning

    How To Breathe While Drowning

    I despair. It’s not that anything major is wrong. My health is relatively good. My family is mostly happy. I have what I need. My car works. All the things that would constitute a crisis are going ok. I can’t say great—who can say great with any sense of security or certainty—because there are things… Read more

  • Thoughts and Prayers (Sandy Hook)

    Thoughts and Prayers (Sandy Hook)

    Sandy Hook, oh Sandy Hook How I long to gather you under My wings like a mother hen. But I was barred by the NRA And the keepers of the Second amendment Who paying their dues with cash for congress, Casings, and body bags. With the holy AR-15 around Their neck, they only keep Thought… Read more

  • Lost


    Friends, welcome to The Book of Common Words, where we explore the Christian spirituality of being human through poetry and prose about my life, art, and the Christian faith. I’m your writer, Aaron. This publication is 100% reader supported. Thanks for joining me in this exploration. Content Warning: Death, Suicide I’ve lost every one, and… Read more
